Kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs
Kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs


I found several articles on how to do this but somehow I got off track a few times and thought another blog post with step by step instructions and screenshots would help others. Therefore, I set out to deploy k8s in my vSphere home lab on some CentOS 7 virtual machines using Kubeadm. Also, from a learning perspective, there is no greater way to learn the underpinnings of a solution than having to deploy and manage it on your own. While these hosted solutions provide additional features such as the ability to spin up a load balancer, they also cost money every hour they’re available and I’m planning on leaving my cluster running. I0518 20:24:09.435271 1 controller_utils.I’ve been wanting to have a playground to mess around with Kubernetes (k8s) deployments for a while and didn’t want to spend the money on a cloud solution like AWS Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes or Google Kubernetes Engine. I0518 20:24:09.435153 1 controller_utils.go:1034] Caches are synced for service config controller I0518 20:24:09.334976 1 controller_utils.go:1027] Waiting for caches to sync for service config controller I0518 20:24:09.334916 1 controller_utils.go:1027] Waiting for caches to sync for endpoints config controller W0518 20:24:09.319751 1 proxier.go:386] IPVS scheduler not specified, use rr by default centos]# kubectl logs kube-proxy-54qnw -n kube-system centos]# kubectl get pod -n kube-system | grep kube-proxy

kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs

centos]# kubectl get pod -n kube-system |grep kube-proxy |awk '' centos]# kubectl edit cm kube-proxy -n kube-system If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. Use kubectl run -generator=run-pod/v1 or kubectl create instead. Kubectl run -generator=deployment/apps.v1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. 测试dns centos]# kubectl run curl -image=radial/busyboxplus:curl -it 执行命令去除标记 kubectl taint nodes k8smaster.novalocal /master:NoSchedule. 查看污点标记 kubectl describe node k8smaster.novalocal |grep Taint

kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs

Kube-system kube-scheduler-k8smaster.novalocal 1/1 Running 0 14m k8smaster.novalocal

kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs

Kube-system kube-controller-manager-k8smaster.novalocal 1/1 Running 0 14m k8smaster.novalocal Kube-system kube-apiserver-k8smaster.novalocal 1/1 Running 0 14m k8smaster.novalocal Kube-system etcd-k8smaster.novalocal 1/1 Running 0 14m k8smaster.novalocal

kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs

将桥接的IPv4流量传递到iptables的链: cat > /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf /etc/sysconfig/modules/ipvs.modules /etc//kubernetes.repo

Kubeadm centos 7 kube-proxy ipvs